
The death toll in the crash of a NATO fighter goes up to eleven

After the death of a French

USPA NEWS - The death toll from the accident suffered by an NATO F-16 in Spanish airbase of Los Llanos, in southeastern Spain, has reached 11 on Tuesday after the death of one of the French soldiers who were injured.
It is François Comburie, according to the Spanish Ministry of Defense. Other ten -four French and six Italian soldiers- are admitted to three hospitals and are stable within the gravity, according to medical sources. The rest of wounded to 21 that caused the accident, have been discharged. The Spanish Defense Minister Pedro Morenés, Tuesday visited the wounded who remain in the hospital La Paz in Madrid. For its part, the French Defence Minister Jean Yves Le Drian, will travel to the capital of Spain to inquire about the wounded. The Spanish Government has decreed official mourning at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense and the Los Llanos airbase.
Morenés said Tuesday, speaking to a radio station, that the Italian military who are in the La Paz hospital wounded "not very well" and feared for his life. Although the minister insists that it is still too early to draw conclusions, stated that "what we know is a visual evidence. The Greek plane takes off, leans toward the runway, do not really know why, toward the parking lot and crashes into the ground a few meters away from where the planes were, and the output gear for takeoff, and has lousy fortune all traces shoot out projectiles against people". Besides NATO, the Spanish Ministry of Defence has opened an investigation into the causes of the accident.
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