05/08/2024, 21:59 Time
Jose A. Martin

Europe celebrates this Thursday the 74th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration

Background of the current European Union

USPA NEWS - 74 years ago, on May 9, 1950, Robert Schuman, then French Minister of Foreign Affairs, pronounced the Declarati...

05/01/2024, 14:31 Time
Jose A. Martin

The Spanish Government is committed to reducing working hours

Labor Day

USPA NEWS - The celebration of May 1, International Labor Day, was celebrated throughout Spain with demonstrations called b...

04/29/2024, 16:37 Time
Jose A. Martin

Sánchez resists and confirms his continuity as Spanish Prime Minister

Announcement after 5 days of reflection

USPA NEWS - The Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, is not giving up. In an appearance on the steps of the Moncloa Pala...

04/25/2024, 20:44 Time
Jose A. Martin

Resignation, confidence or elections: difficult choice of Spanish Pedro Sánchez

Reflect on their future

USPA NEWS - Only twice in the 49 years of recent democratic history in Spain has a Prime Minister resigned. It was in 1981,...

04/23/2024, 19:51 Time
Jose A. Martin

The Kings of Spain present the Cervantes prize to Luis Mateo Diez

The most important in Spanish language

USPA NEWS - The King of Spain, Felipe VI, and Queen Letizia presented on Tuesday the 2023 ‘Miguel de Cervantes’ Literat...

04/21/2024, 21:32 Time
Jose A. Martin

The Basque Nationalist Party win the regional elections in the Basque Country

Could govern with the Socialist Party

USPA NEWS - The Basque Nationalist Party (PNV in its Spanish acronym) could govern in the Basque Country if it obtains the ...




Daren Frankish


Yasmina BEDDOU




Aurangzeb Akbar
