05/02/2022, 17:40 Time
Jose A. Martin

Madrid is claimed as "the necessary Spain, that of all"

At the Madrid regional holiday

USPA NEWS - The president of the regional government of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, vindicated Madrid on Monday as "the nec...

05/01/2022, 19:39 Time
Jose A. Martin

Half a million people demonstrate in Spain on a protesting May 1st

For living wages and stability

USPA NEWS - More than 50,000 people in Madrid and 500,000 throughout Spain demonstrated this Sunday, May 1, in a day "of ce...

04/26/2022, 16:55 Time
Jose A. Martin

55% of Spaniards believe that there is a risk of a Third World War

For the Russian invasion of Ukraine

USPA NEWS - 55% of Spaniards consider that there is a risk that a Third World War will break out as a result of the Russian...

04/25/2022, 17:35 Time
Jose A. Martin

New submarine S-81 'Isaac Peral' will make its first surface navigation in May

Spanish Navy

USPA NEWS - The Spanish Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, traveled to Cartagena (Southeast Spain) on Monday to learn abou...

04/25/2022, 17:06 Time
Jose A. Martin

European Commission proposes to reinforce the mandate of Eurojust

To collect evidence of war crimes

USPA NEWS - The European Commission has proposed to amend the Eurojust Regulation to give the Agency the legal possibility ...

04/21/2022, 15:29 Time
Jose A. Martin

Spain sends 200 tons of war material to Ukraine and will document war crimes

Visit of PM Pedro Sánchez to Kyiv

USPA NEWS - Spain has launched what is to date the largest shipment of weapons to Ukraine. The Spanish Navy ship 'Ysabel' s...

04/19/2022, 17:31 Time
Jose A. Martin

Catalonia suspend relations with Spain for the alleged espionage of its leaders

Revealed by The New Yorker

USPA NEWS - The regional government of Catalonia suspend its relations with the Government of Spain until it clarifies the ...

04/14/2022, 17:42 Time
José A. Martín

Spain ends two years of compulsory use of masks

Next week the measure will be approved

USPA NEWS - Spain lives its last days of mandatory use of masks, after two years since the measure was implemented due to t...

04/07/2022, 18:10 Time
Jose A. Martin

EP demands an immediate full embargo on Russian oil, coal, nuclear fuel and gas

Expressed indignation over atrocities

USPA NEWS - European Parliament expressed on Thursday indignation over reported atrocities by the Russian armed forces and ...

04/06/2022, 15:41 Time
Jose A. Martin

EU develops strategic reserves for chemical, biological and other emergencies

Includes 540.5 million Euros

USPA NEWS - To improve the EUs preparedness and response to public health risks such as chemical, biological, radiological ...

04/02/2022, 18:10 Time
Jose A. Martin

Núñez Feijóo: "There is a hunger for change and they are waiting for us"

New leader of the opposition in Spain

USPA NEWS - The president of the regional government of Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, was elected the new president of ...

04/01/2022, 18:13 Time
Jose A. Martin

Europe snatches from the US the status of China's preferred trade partner

Europe and China meet

USPA NEWS - The United States has lost its status as China's preferred trading partner. The Asian country is currently the ...

03/25/2022, 10:09 Time
Jose A. Martin

NATO strengthens its defenses on its eastern border against the Russian threat

Plan will be defined in June

USPA NEWS - At an extraordinary Summit in Brussels on March 24, 2022, Allied leaders agreed to reset NATO’s longer-term d...

03/21/2022, 18:37 Time
Jose A. Martin

Algeria is preparing to break its diplomatic relations with Spain

For his position on the Spanish Sahara

USPA NEWS - Algeria is preparing to break its diplomatic relations with Spain, after the Government of Madrid announced its...

03/16/2022, 17:49 Time
Jose A. Martin

A new antenna expands the capacity of the NASA complex in Madrid

Inaugurated by King Felipe VI

USPA NEWS - King Felipe VI and the United States Ambassador to Spain, Julissa Reynoso, inaugurated this Wednesday a new ant...

03/15/2022, 18:13 Time
Jose A. Martin

The judge accuses Pedro Sanchez of organizing the entry into Spain of Ghali

Leader of the Polisario Front

USPA NEWS - The judge investigating in Spain the entry and stay in Spanish territory of the secretary general of the Polisa...

03/11/2022, 19:46 Time
Jose A. Martin

Spain pays tribute to the victims of 11M on the 18th anniversary of the massacre

Islamist attacks

USPA NEWS - Eighteen years ago, on March 11, 2004, Spain woke up horrified. Several jihadist attacks against three trains t...

03/09/2022, 17:29 Time
Jose A. Martin

EP calls for reduce the Europe's energy dependence on the Kremlin

Is time to build a real Security Union

USPA NEWS - In the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the European Parliament call for more EU defence efforts an...

03/08/2022, 17:41 Time
Jose A. Martin

“Ukrainians are fighting to free Europe from the spectre of totalitarianism”

Ukrainian author Oksana Zabuzhko said

USPA NEWS - On International Women’s Day, Ukrainian author Oksana Zabuzhko addressed the European Parliament on the pligh...

03/08/2022, 17:20 Time
Jose A. Martin

Emeritus King Juan Carlos I of Spain will continue to reside in Abu Dhabi

Despite his judicial acquittal

USPA NEWS - Abu Dhabi is, since August 2020, the place of residence of the King Emeritus of Spain, Juan Carlos I of Bourbon...




Daren Frankish


Yasmina BEDDOU




Aurangzeb Akbar
